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Customer Care Conference & Expo 2024

Customer Care Conference & Expo 2024


Welcome to the world of Customer Care in 2024!

In today's fast-paced and constantly evolving business landscape, Customer Care has become more crucial than ever before. With the advent of new technologies and the rise of customer expectations, companies must go above and beyond to provide exceptional customer service.

Businesses must prioritize their customers' needs by adopting a customer-centric approach to their operations. This involves not only providing top-notch support services but also leveraging technology and data analytics to gain insights into customers' behavior, preferences, and needs.

The Customer Care market in 2024 is characterized by an increasing demand for personalized, omnichannel customer experiences and companies need to be able to interact with customers across multiple touchpoints, including social media, mobile devices, chatbots, and voice assistants.


The Empathy Algorithm
Explore strategies to intelligence Explore emotional customer interactions, especially when mediated by technology. infuse into
Mental Health in High-pressure Roles
Address the importance of mental health support for customer care professionals and create a supportive work environment.
A Culture of Continuous Learning Discover how to foster a culture that values ongoing education, adaptability, and resilience.

The ROI of Exceptional Customer Service
Identify key performance indicators that link CS excellence to measurable business outcomes.
From Feedback to Action
Best practices for gathering, analyzing, and acting on customer feedback to improvement.
Reputation Building in the Digital Age
Strategies for maintaining customer trust and brand integrity during transformative times.

Enhancing Human Touch
AI will be used to support rather than replace human interactions in customer used to support rather than replace human interactions in customer service.
The Omni-channel Revolution
Strategies for integrating customer drive continuous service channels to provide a cohesive and responsive customer experience.
Emerging Tech Trends
A look at the latest technologies, and their amazing potential for customer care applications

general business areas

 BPO | Telecom | Insurance | IT&C | Banking | Healthcare | FMCG & Retail | Distribution & Courier Services | Travel Services | Training & Consultancy | HR | Workplace Safety | Advertising & Media | Shared Services | ITO & Services


  • Dan Mazilu
  • Madalina Vilau
  • Aryana Popescu
  • Adrian Mindreanu
  • Bogdan Ilinca
  • Lidia Goliseschi
  •  Diana Stafie
  • Florin Mitran
  • Alin Rosca
  • Eleni Poulimenea
  •  Violeta Rosu
  •  Andrei Florean
  • Alexandra Ilie
  • Armina Dobrica
  • Sorin Ropotan
  • Daniela Pavlovici
  • Edmona Popa
  •  Alina Pencu
  • Radu Carlig
  • Cristi Minica
  • Daniel Deaconu
  • Sergiu Pop
  • Eduard Plescu


  • 10:00 -11:00

    Day 1 - Registration & Welcome Coffee

  • 11:00

    Event Kick-Off

    Dan Mazilu, Founder & CEO @Mediatel Data
  • 11:15

    Care Academy - Building A Culture Of Kindness - Talk

    Madalina Vilau, Managing Partner & Business Consultant @Marketing Insiders Group
  • 11:45

    Beyond Reaction: Unleashing The Power Of Proactivity - Demo

    Dan Mazilu, Adrian Mîndreanu, Bogdan Ilinca, Lidia Goliseschi @Mediatel Data
  • 12:25

    The Future Of Work - Talk

    Diana Stafie, Founder & Foresight Strategist @futureStation
  • 13:00 - 14:00

    Networking Lunch

  • 14:00

    The Power Of Posture – Interactive Workshop

    Florin Mitran,Founder & Physiotherapist @Fiziosport Therapy
  • 14:30

    The Future Is Now - Demo

    Alin Rosca @RepsMate & Eleni Poulimenea @Genesys
  • 15:00

    Is Human Capital Still Relevant ? - Talk

    Violeta Rosu, Founder & Managing Partner @Bluepoint
  • 15:30

    Networking Coffee Break

  • 16:00

    A I - Powered Customer Experience Offered By AWS - Demo

    Andrei Florean, Customer Success Manager @Dendrio
  • 16:30

    Chatting With Chat GPT & Great Passionate Talents! People Focus In An AI World- Talk

    Alexandra Ilie, Head of Advisory Contact Center @ING Bank Romania
  • 10:00

    Day 2 - Registration & Welcome Coffee

  • 10:30

    Be Real, Seal The Deal With Your People - Talk

    Armina Dobrica, Founder & Coach @Rookeyz
  • 11:00

    Lessons For A Thriving Workplace- Talk

    Sorin Ropotan, Organizational Health Psychologist
  • 12:00

    A Taste Of Mindfulness As A Superpower - Interactive Workshop

    Daniela Pavlovici, Coach, Mindfulness Teacher & Facilitator
  • 12:30

    Networking Lunch

  • 13:30

    Boost Engagement Through Gamified Wellbeing Experiences - Demo

    Radu Carlig, Cristi Minica, Daniel Deaconu @Wellnessentially
  • 13:50

    Innovate, Improve, Inspire: The Kaizen Way - Talk

    Edmona Popa, Business Consultant, Managing Director
  • 14:20

    Ccc Of The Future: Be Curious. Be Open. Act Now. - Talk

    Alina Pencu, CCC Manager SEE @Schneider Electric
Event registration

Why to attend

Discover the empathy algorithm and learn how to leverage emotional intelligence in digital interactions, a key differentiator.
Link customer service to business performance and understand how CS translates into measurable business success.
Cultivate a culture of continuous learning and explore strategies to instill a mindset of continuous improvement in your team.
Turn feedback into strategic action and discover best practices for effectively gathering, analyzing, and acting upon customer feedback to enhance service and drive business growth.
Integrate AI without losing the human touch and discover how AI and technology can enrich human interactions rather than replace them.
Master the omni-channel experience and dive into the strategies for creating a seamless customer service journey across multiple platforms, meeting customers where they are.
Stay ahead with emerging tech trends by glimpsing into the future with the latest trends and their applications in CS.
Prioritize mental health & resilience and gain insights into creating a more supportive environment.
Build & maintain a strong digital reputation by accessing strategies for enhancing your brand's reputation in the digital age.
Empower your community by contributing to the collective growth and innovation of the customer care community, fostering an industry culture of collaboration and shared success.

Platinum Partner

Mediatel Data

Supporting Partner

RepsMate, Intrarom, Genesys, Spitch, Bluepoint

Wellbeing Partners

Wellnessentially, Fiziosport, Rookeyz

Media Partner